Saturday, March 03, 2007



Doug The Una said...

Oooh. Tranquility!

Nessa said...

Doug: Shhh, don't disturb the fish.

Bazza said...

What a fantastic view you have, I love water, sea, rivers, lakes even puddles.

B.R.L said...

In the previous post the photos were of the ice breaking up which were beautiful. Are these pictures of the water with the ice gone?

Minka said...


would you mind me hanging out here for a while. I´ll promise not to throw trash around :)

Katie McKenna said...


Nessa said...

Bazza: I like water, too.

Betty: It’s the same area but not the same view.

Minka: Stay as long as you like.

Katie: It was a very lovely day.

Dabich: It is a beautiful spot.