Sunday, December 03, 2006

Global Warming

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Al said...

Nice pitchers, GN, and a reminder of yesterday (literally), when it was, like, 72 degrees in New Jersey. Guess that's that until next April, so I suppose your pictures will have to hold us until then, huh?

Nessa said...

Al: Tanks. I'm asking Santa for snow for Christams, so just be prepared.

DaBich said...

Ahhh...gorgeous pics, and I love the holly. It's so cold 23 degrees, I an wishing for some warmth!!

Dr.John said...

It snowed all day here so it was nice to see flower [pictures. I feel a little warmer.

Minka said...

You make it look so beuatiful.
Although I feel like somebody just shrunk me :)

It is freezing here and the streets have a layer of ice...Globla warming certainly is stilla foreign concept to Iceland :)

Dan said...

Wow! I stumbled into your photo blog (hope I didn't knock anything over ... oops, let me put this back on that table ... there).

Nice photos! I absolutely love the tree. Sometimes the light is just perfect. Here's one of my favorite photos that I ever took of a tree.

Trees rule!

Nessa said...

Dabich: I like the cold, but so far it hasn’t been very.

Dr. John: Glad I could share some of the heat.

Minka: Well, it is called Iceland and you are a penguin. Oh, shouldn’t you be down south?

Dan: I love trees too. I love looking up at them when I’m lying down. I’m off to look at your tree. Bye.

Nessa said...

Dan: Your tree is spectacular.

Pamela said...

Your photos are truly lovely! With so much beauty it sad that Global warming is looming. I sure hope we can come up with some answers. Thanks for sharing an important reminder, very thoughtful! :)

Nessa said...

Pamela: Thank you. I really don't get too upset over global warming. I think it is just another cycle. Mother nature will find a way to take care of herself, even if we don't.

Steven said...

Great pics. I really like the last one.


Nessa said...

Steven: Welcome and thank you.