Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gingerbread Houses


Pauline said...

Thanks for the flash-backs of happy memories...

Nessa said...

Pauline: The memories are so special.

Minka said...

did you make these? Some people are so talented. I never made a gingerbread house in my life, but i so want to try. What with being german an all, teh borthers Grimm would only be proud :)

Steven said...

Yummy. I want to squash them...then eat them up. ;)

Pamela said...

Your Ginger bread houses are so adorable. I just can't believe how good you did making them! I can't even decorate a cake. Weird too, cause I painted for a living! hehe!

Jacob said...

Yummers, Niblett. You went for the whole Marianne, but good thing they aren't call Marianne bread houses, huh? Sorry, I'm still stuck on Gilligan's Island.

Nessa said...

Minka: You should definitely do it. We had so much fun.

Steven: Now that the holidays are over, I believe that is the fate of these houses; D

Pamela: Thanks. I don't think they could come out bad.

Gawpo: Marianne was my favorite character.

DaBich said...

OMG! They are gorgeous! My stepson and I made one last Christmas, and it was such a chore for me...nothing went easy. I said NO WAY this year, I told his DAD to make one, he refused LOL!
Merry Christmas, lady!

Malnurtured Snay said...

Hmm. Hungry.

Happy New Year!

Nessa said...

Dabich: They were alot of work, but we had fun anyway.

Mal: Welcome. Happy New Year to you too. I peeked at your site a few days ago but couldn't stay. I'll be back.