Saturday, October 28, 2006



Pamela said...

Love your little butterflies! Very cute bling bling. :) I need to get something new for my keys to dangle from. Enjoy your day!

Nessa said...

They do make me happy when I look at them.

Anonymous said...

I hope those butterflies don't fly away with your keys. Maybe that's what keeps happening to my keys...

Nessa said...

Swampwitch: Is that why they disappear on me? I should have thunk it.

Pauline said...

Hi, no more excuses for me I am back on line, though I seem to have shortened my days somehow. Time, time, time...I really enjoyed scrolling through your photos. Beautiful. Even thought that Indian event would be of interest, quite dramatic. Thanks for your visit at my place.Have a wonderful to fill my refrigerator....behind schedule with that too. lol

Pamela said...

Goldennib, hope it is alright to comment here again, as I am not sure which blog you keep up with most. lol

Hey, what I really wanted was to Thank You for your sweet well wishes for my Birthday! It reall meant a lot and helped to make my day special! Enjoy your day! :)

DaBich said...

Stopped by to say Hi, s "HI" :)
Nice set of keys with the bright butterflies!!

Minka said...

I only see one!
and a lot of chains around it.
Hard to get close to you, by any chance. *grins*

happy Thanksgiving and I so loved to see you wings over in my kingdom :)

Nessa said...

I keep leaving comments and they keep not being there. I'm getting perturbed.

Pauline: The days are getting shorter. I don't understand it. They have two festivals a year and are always fun.

Pamela: You stop here, there, anywhere your heart desires.

DaBich: Hi. I loves me butterflies.

Minka: Not if you can catch me.

Your kingdom is pretty.

Pamela said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

Nessa said...

Thanks Pamela, I did. Hope yours was very good, too.

Al said...

D'ja find 'em in front of Trinity Church? Thought so. Mine.

Nessa said...

Al: I knew I shouldn't show them on the internet.